Special Prayer Requests

Randy & Tatyana. I married him and Tatyana several years ago and discipled them for a few months. He lost his job here, was away for a while, then came back and struggled to find work. Then the Lord blessed him with work and slowly the influence of his co-workers pulled him back to the world. Tatyana held her ground for a while but eventually gave in as well.
Nick & Jessica. They first came to our church when invited by one of our members when he was in drug rehab. He came faithfully for a year, and I eventually was able to lead them to the Lord and baptize them and spent months discipling them. He lost his job here and was away for a while. He got in trouble with drugs once again and was in jail for a year. I continued to have contact with him until he got out and came back. Since he returned, they have been cold and indifferent to the things of the Lord and have fallen away.
Alejandro & Elida. This couple is from Guatemala and has struggled with growing since we led them to the Lord. They need to surrender their lives to Him.
Antillón family. They lost their mother this year and the rest of the family has fallen away.
Clint & Amber. Pleasure has become their God.

Thank you for Praying

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