Financial advice

I opted out of Social Security when I entered the ministry fulltime in the 80's but now we feel that was an unwise decision as we have seen how my parents benefited from having it when they could no longer do fulltime ministry. My financial advisor has prompted me to take on secular work in order to replace weak quarters I had in the years prior to serving as a missionary. I intend to seek employment that will allow me to be in close contact with Hispanics in order to use it for the ministry as well. I may interpret for the Hospital if I can get hired or some other job that will put me in contact with more Hispanics. Pray for God's direction in this. I am still young and can help my financial situation in the future if I do this now.

Family Camp

This year's family camp was the best we have had since covid. There were close to 140 campers present and we had invited the Mendoza family from Tijuana to help us this year. There were so many positive comments about the preaching and teaching from both the adult in Spanish to our teens in english. Many decisions were made as people responded to the Word of God. There were a record number of first time visitors as well who heard the gospel message. Pray for continued decisions for salvation.

Celebrated in person

Even though we do not live really close to either of our children, we were able to celebrate our grandson Rhett's birthday when our son Aaron and family came to visit us in August. We had fun taking them to Sand Hollow state park to enjoy water and sand, and some nice nature hikes the kids could enjoy. Most of the time we celebrate with them via facetime!

Rough Start

Our online Seminary SEBEL, had a rough start this year due to the political unrest in in Venezuela at that moment. There were many protests and it got so bad they shut down the airport and public transportation. The group of young ladies that hold an office in Venezuela for SEBEL could not get to work so things got delayed. Plus, our president Victor P. who is from Venezuela was in the states raising money for the Seminary when this happened and he has not been able to get back into the country. Your prayers for him and Venezuela is appreciated. Thankfully, we were still able to open the seminary on time!

Another supporter

We visited a small church in Illinois where only three people were present outside of the pastor. It was a Wednesday evening service. One does not think that this was a productive visit, but they took us on for support and we were kicking ourselves over the thoughts we had about this meeting. God works where he chooses, and many times not where we think he is working. We praise God for this new support.

Missionary friends

It was good to catch up with the Bloyd family who have been serving the Lord in Italy as long as we have been serving the Lord in Mexico and Utah. God brings people in your life at times when we need encouragement and they fit that bill. We pray we encouraged them along the way too!

God's Protection

My sister Shelly and her husband were visiting family in Michigan and were on their way back home to Oklahoma when they were involved in a multi car accident on highway 94. Their care was totaled but thankfully they suffered only minor injuries. When we heard about it we had no idea if they had even survived so we were very worried. It was good to hear God had protected them.

St. George Ministry

Pray for the Spanish ministry we are currently trying to get off the ground here in St. George. We have now lost three key families to job losses. There is an economic downturn here and many Hispanics are struggling to find permanent jobs.

Thank you for Praying

© 2007