Edgar & Pillars children

Edgar & Pillar have three children, two adult boys and on teenage girl. None of them attend church right now and none of them know the Lord. Pray for their salvation. Also Pillar will undergo surgery on November 4th, pray that all will go well.

García family

The Garcia family was very faithful for the first year but has now fallen away. He is a businessman and a professional cook. He has opened up a new business and has allowed this to come between him and God. Pray for them to get right with God and be faithful to the Lord again.

Witnessing and inviting

Pray for our witnessing and literature campaign that those whom we talk to and give invitations to will respond and come visit our services.


Solecito which means sunshine, was the name given to a visitor by her Hispanic friends that has visited our services the last two Sundays. She is of Chinese descent but speaks fluent spanish. Pray for her to respond to the gospel.

Changes at SEBEL

Our Online Baptist Seminary is expanding in January 2025. We are adding another educational option, a Bible Institute level education. It will be offered by SEBEL but will be called IBEL, Online Bible Institute. Our Seminary as with our Institute, is a mission endeavor and needs financial support. If you would like to donate, please visit the website www.sebel.org or send monies to Northwest Baptist Mission P.O. Box 150, Grantsville, UT 84029 and designate it SEBEL.

Rosalva's return

Rosalva is someone you have prayed for in the past and whom was led to the Lord before returning to Mexico. She had to deal with an unfaithful husband and ended up in a nasty divorce and at the same time her mother died. Then her family also rejected her since she shared her new found faith. She is now back in St. George and we ask that you pray for her as she recovers emotionally and continues her new journey in the Lord.

A friend's accident

We have a friend we have known since before we moved to Utah, his name is Brad Benson. He was working on a roof and fell off hitting his head first. They life flighted him to a Salt Lake hospital and has been in a coma for a few days. They have removed the pressure from his brain and today woke up and was able to recognize his wife in the room. Please pray for his full recovery.

Shawn's Hiking Accident

While I was out hiking in the mountains close to where my son lives, I was climbing down a cliff to reach a waterfall when I slipped and fell several feet landing on my right arm and dislocating it. I was in considerable pain, but assessed the situation and realized I was going to have to try and get my shoulder put back in place. I was three miles from the trailhead and my vehicle so I decided to try and do it. Thankfully I was successful and was able to get down the mountain safely. I visited the doctor and am doing therapy three times a week. It has been 4 weeks now and there is some measurable improvement. I still do not have full mobility of that arm but am praying it will soon heal completely.

Financial Stability

Even though we have had some new support come in, it is not enough to pay the bills here. Shawn is looking for a job that will allow him to interact with Hispanics and at the same time provide some needed income. He has been seeking a interpreting job at the hospital but there have not been any openings so far. This will also serve to give us S.S. benefits later in life since we opted out of S.S. in the early 80's.

Thank you for Praying

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