SEBEL continues to operate, but we are in need of finances to pay a few fulltime workers in Venezuela & Mexico that keep the logistics in order. Pray that God would raise up those willing to invest in this all important endeavor.

Ferron Church

We have been filling the pulpit at First Baptist Church in Ferron for the past few months but we will not be here long. Pray that God would supply a pastor and that the church would make the necessary changes in order to be blessed by God.

Price Church

We have been praying for the church in Price, that God would bring in a bi-lingual pastor. There is a candidate coming in March, pray that God would work it out.

Mormon missionaries

I had the opportunity to plant the seed of doubt in the minds of two young mormon missionaries that came knocking at our door. Pray that they would seek out the truth of the Bible.

Empty Pulpits

Please pray for workers for the harvest. We have many mission churches out west without pastors.


I had the privilege to preach a funeral this past week and got to present the gospel to many unsaved mormons. Pray that God's word would do it's work.

Seeking God's Will

We are actively seeking God's will for the next area to take our ministry. Because we only have half of our needed support, we have two options: go bi-vocational and minister exclusively to Hispanics or take an anglo mission church in an area that has potential for Hispanic ministry. We have a couple options on our plate, please pray for direction.

Thank you for Praying

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