Health needs

As we are getting older we are realizing more and more the need to have better coverage in Health insurance. Pray God would provide in that area.

Luis & Elizabeth

Pray for Luis & Elizabeth as they also are settling into a new house. Pray for us as we work together, that God would lead in His plan.

Westside Baptist Church

We are grateful for the great reception we have had at Westside Baptist Church in St. George to start a Spanish ministry, pray that we would prosper according to God's plan.

House renovation

The house the Lord provided is a fixer upper. We are having to replace the roof, all the flooring and will eventually have to finish the basement. Many more projects will have to be done also, such as replacing and painting the siding, fixing the electrical anomalies, running electricity to the garage, and a host of other things we will do as we are able.

New Ministry Startup

Pray that God would pave the way for us to start this new ministry. Pray for families and individuals to respond to the gospel and grow in the Lord.

Housing Provided

We are grateful for all your prayers and support during this time. It has been a long hard journey with really little hope of getting a house but the Lord has provided. It is not exactly what one would want, but it is a house non the less.

Thank you for Praying

© 2007