Victory over sin

Pray for a family and a son who needs the Lord to give them victory over a lifetime of habitual sinful responses.

Guatemalan boys

Our Guatemalan family has two older boys Jacinto & Edilson that are working to get permanent residency to stay here with their parents. It is a long story how they got separated for years, but they finally were able to bring them here, but they need a judge to rule in their favor.


Continue to pray that God would work it out for us to get the larger building we are looking at. The business man who owns it want us to have it and would be willing to swap buildings in spite of the $125,000 dollar price difference but is financially unable at the moment.

Unsaved at Candlelight service

Pray for the salvation of unsaved who came to the Christmas candlelight service.

Update on Roberta

Since November Shawn's mom Roberta has suffered several strokes and been in and out of the hospital. She was able to go home for a few weeks and was on home health care which brought in nurses and rehab people every day. But recently she was not able to get up and was admitted to the hospital in Elk City again. She is doing a little better, but she will probably go to a nursing facility to continue rehab. Pray for Duayne as he shoulders the burden of her care and that God would keep Roberta from having more strokes.

Thank you for Praying

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