Discovery Club Picnic

We are having a picnic for the Discovery Club kids on the 15th of July. We want to get them together and encourage them and the parents to bring them back in September when the club starts up again.

Planning our Furlough

We will be gone for 7 weeks starting the last week of August to visit our supporting churches in Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, & Tennessee. Pray that we would be able to find someone to cover our Spanish Services.


Many Hispanics work on the weekends making it hard for them to get to church. Pray that God would work it out for those who desire to be faithful to Sunday worship services to get off on Sundays.


Pray for the leadership of Carbon County. We need jobs here. The coal industry is waning and we need new ways for people to provide income for their families.

Round Pen Ministsry

We are planning our first Round Pen demonstration in September. We were able to get the Sheriff's Posse to allow us to use their facility and do the Round Pen. It is a means to give out the gospel and we hope to build on this relationship to do this every year. This has been successful in other hard to reach areas.

Commitment to Baptism

Several people have been saved this year but many have not committed to believers baptism. Pray that they would be convicted of their need to obey in this area of their Christian life.

Saul's son

Saul lost his oldest son that he had with his former wife. He was 17 and lived in LA and was shot by a gang in a random act of violence. Saul is a new Christian and will need your prayers.

Shawn's health

Shawn has been experiencing some issues with his prostate. Pray that the Dr. will be able to figure out what is going on.

Thank you for Praying

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