
Pray for our daughter-in-law Mitzi as her job as a nurse that she does from home, so she can homeschool her two children, is being cut. They want here to be back to fulltime at the hospital everyday. They do not believe they can make it on one income so she is looking at options in order to keep homeschooling.

Unique Opportunity

We may have an opportunity to minister to a group of Guatamalans that are being processed by the embassy from Las Vegas here in St. George. They all most likely will be deported back to their country but they are being documented and help by a few medical organizations to treat health issues. Our church may get the opportunity to host the event. If so, we will have a brief opportunity to witness to them, provide them with basic needs, and give them gospel literature. Pray for us if we get this opportunity to be the best spiritual influence in this short time we have with them possible.

Work situation

Edgar & Pillar's work situation has changed. He may lose his job due to cutbacks. In this current administration's economy many companies are cutting back eliminating jobs as they wait for a new economy. Pray for them as they seek work in order to stay here in St. George.

Challenges of ST. George

We have found this area to be particularly challenging as the hispanic population seems to be constantly evolving and changing. Many come for a short period of time but then leave due to the cost of living here. This is not unique to St. George, we here that in Sedona, AZ the hispanic families are living out of their vehicles. Pray that God would give us wisdom in reaching the permanent community here.

New Parnter

We are so grateful for the decision of First Baptist Church in Beaver, Utah to take us on for monthly support. This is the third new partner this year so far. God is answering our prayers for new support. We still need about $500 dollars a month but we are closing the gap.

New Position at SEBEL

In leu of a resignation, I have been offered an administrative role at SEBEL. It will constitute a considerable amount of time and even some travel. Our president is in Venezuela, the vice president is in North Carolina, most of our technical staff is in Mexico and other supporting staff is in other countries. With all of the work that that we already do, this would be a lot of extra responsibility. It would require the Lord providing us with a couple to help us here in the church plant in St. George and the financial freedom to travel as SEBEL would not be able to pay for that when needed. Pray with us as we consider this important decision.


Rosalva was saved while she was visiting us our church here in St. George a few months from Mexico. She is now back in Mexico and dealing with a divorce, and the death of her mother. Her husband has been living with another woman for years now and it has finally come to a head. Then in the midst of the divorce, her mother died. You can imagine how difficult this would be for anybody, and especially a new believer. We found a good church for her to attend really close to where she lives. Pray that her newfound faith would grow and carry her through these troubled times and be a testimony to unsaved family. She intends to get her visa and come back to the states to work if the Lord provides.

Furlough opportunities

Pray for us as we travel on furlough. We are excited to report to supporting churches and present our ministry to two new churches. Pray that these new ones would be moved to support us financially and that God would use us to be a blessing and a challenge to our supporting churches.

Reliable vehicle

We intended to put off purchasing a more reliable vehicle until after we came back from our 5 week furlough in May/June. We planned on flying out to Wisconsin, borrowing a car from our Son-in-law Ben, then flying back to Utah. The problem is our schedule put us too far away at the end to travel back to Wisconsin to return the car. So we decided to purchase it now even though we have not been able to save enough money to pay for it completely. We settled on a 2016 Mazda CX-5 with 125k miles on it for 10k. We sold our Sonata for 4k, had churches and individuals give 4k and we took money from our retirement to pay the extra 2800 remaining which included taxes. If you would like to contribute to the vehicle fund, you can send it to:
Northwest Baptist Mission
P.O. Box 150
Grantsville, UT 84029

Designate it as vehicle fund for the Clapps

Thank you for Praying

© 2007