Spanish Ministries Continue

God has worked things out as we had plans on continuing our ministries in Utah via the internet, then the virus hit and it was a worldwide phenomena. We have held meetings each Sunday and Wednesdays with great success. Continue to pray for these ministries and new ones we will take on once we get through this virus threat.

New Cancer

My dad finally was able to get into the doctor and get evaluated. Two years ago they removed cancer from his head and now it is back. He will have to have another operation and a skin graph soon. Pray for that and his recovery. Again, this is why we are here.

Getting settled

It has been quite a process getting out of Utah and moved to Oklahoma. We have had to downsize by selling all but the essentials, repair and prep the house for sale, then move our things here, look for another place to live, then downsize my dad to enable him to live with us, selling all but his essentials trying to preserve anything that has sentimental value for the family, then move him and us into a new house. Now we have been trying to get everything fixed and up and running in the new house and get settled. All the while maintaining our Spanish ministries in Utah and abroad. Needless to say this is stressful business. Continue to pray for us.

God's Timing

It was the first night we stayed here in Oklahoma that Shawn's dad had his first fall. This was quite a confirmation of God bringing us here. Had we not been here he might have laid there for many hours. Continue to pray for his health.

Thank you for Praying

© 2007