Tony Basso

Tony Basso is the businessman that owns the property that our church would like to have. We are praying that God would work in his heart to swap buildings with us so there is no money needed. His building is worth more than ours, but ours is in a better location for a local business.

Shawn's Mom

Roberta is getting better, our prayer is that she will get enough strength to walk so that Duayne can care for her at home. She is currently in a nursing home receiving physical and speech therapy.

We are Grandparents

Our Daughter Amanda had her first baby on February the 2nd. Ryan James entered the world at albs 15 ounces and both mom and baby are doing well. Penny is with them now and I will follow in about a week.

Two Prodigal sons

Pray for the two prodigal sons I am working with, Dustin & CJ. Dustin is in counseling with me and improving. We are trying to get CJ to come to counseling and needs to be saved.

Youth revival

Pray that God would continue to work in the lives of other teens & pre-teens in our church that they may also come to know the Lord.

Another teen Saved

Austin was saved this past Sunday, he comes from a broken home. He comes to our church when he is with his mom, and when he is with his dad he takes him to the mormon church. The great thing is, Austin sees the difference!

Thank you for Praying

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