December 2014

La familia Payton

Gracias a Dios que la familia Payton pudo obtener un carro de doble tracción para cruzar la montaña pero sigue siendo un peligro durante el invierno. Estamos pidiendo a Dios que le dé al hermano Payton un trabajo aquí en Price para que no tenga que viajar cada Domingo.

The Paytons

Continue to pray for the Payton family. They were able to secure an all wheel drive Subaru to get them over the mountain with greater security, but it has been a rough winter so far and several weeks they have not been able to make the trip. Pray that God would open up a job opportunity for them in Price.

Bilingual Candlelight Service in Price

This year we intended on having two separate candlelight services, an English on in Price, and a Spanish one in Spanish Fork. Since the Spanish one had to be cancelled, we quickly regrouped and prepared for a Bilingual one in Price. The Lord blessed and we had 70 in attendance with first time visitors.

Candlelight Service Canceled

We had to cancel the Spanish Candlelight Service due to weather. As we were traveling over the summit, traffic was backed up for hours due to several accident. The service still had 78 in attendance and Carlos did a great job of improvising.

Thank you for Praying

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