Upcoming Activities

Pray as we plan for a sports week outreach in June and then our Spanish family camp in August.

Unsaved Youth

We have a few people who attend that have young people who are not saved. Pray for their salvation as I work with them through a basic discipleship program.


We are grateful for the consistency we have had in attendance in our Sunday morning services. We also have had several visitors over the last few weeks. On Wednesdays we meet for prayer and have a consistent group for that as well.

New Opportunity

An opportunity presented itself at the local hospital. They are needing a Spanish Chaplain and translator. It would require Shawn to get certified in Medical translation. We are praying about this opportunity since it would give us constant contact with new Spanish speaking families.

Shawn's Knees

Lately Shawn has had a lot of pain in his left knee. A few years ago he tore his meniscus and now it seems to have gotten worse. He walks with a constant limp. We do not have resources to have surgery but he is going to see an orthopedic surgen to see if anything can be done.

Thank you for Praying

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