Family Camp

Our anual Hispanic family camp was a real blessing again this year with 4 churches represented. There were some really great decisions made that have been a real encouragement to us. We had 80 campers this year which is up from last year.


I am planning on signing up for a course in January/February of 2024 to get certified for medical translation. This will allow me to be in contact with Hispanics every day and opportunities for witnessing and inviting them to our services. Plus it will give us the needed additional finances to continue our ministry here.

Construction update

It looks like the construction that is taking place on the second story of the school building that will allow us to have a dedicated room for Spanish services and rooms for S.S. classes will not be done until January. Pray for speedy progress on this project. The english church has also raised almost all of the money for the project to be paid for in cash. PTL!

Ben & Maria

We are grateful for the spirit of Ben and Maria to serve. Pray for them as they grow in the Lord and as we train them to serve here in this ministry.


Pray for the salvation of Ma Guadalupe, Juan & Jose, Edgar and others as we witness to folks God gives us contact with.

Reliable transportation

We are in need of a reliable vehicle for traveling across country. We have adequate transportation for our daily needs here, but we would not take them on a road trip. We are not picky when it comes to vehicles, but are just in need of something more reliable.

Ministry needs

We are in need of replacing our office equipment that includes a desktop computer, a laptop, and a printer. We have been using these for 15 years and are no longer adequate for what we need and do. We use Mac computers so we are looking for good updated used desktop and laptop. We estimate $3000 to replace them.

Thank you for Praying

© 2007