New Possible Church plant

There are a few Hispanic families in the city of Tooele who are interested in starting church services. We will be meeting with them soon to find out what the potential is to start a Hispanic work in that area. There used to be a Hispanic congregation there but the pastor left. Pray that God would lead in this endeavor.

Alejandro's job

Our Guatemalan family is going to stay in Price instead of moving to St. George because the Lord finally provided him with a job here, thanks for praying. It has helped the family grow spiritually since they are all back together again instead of living in two different places. She is expecting another baby so pray for her delivery.

Another Baby lost

Billy & Lizzie are members of our English congregation and she is the sister of our son Aaron's wife. They came straight from the hospital the other day and told us that she lost her baby of 7 weeks. Pray for them. This is three that have been lost in our church in this year.

Salvation Decisions

We are so excited to report that Chuy and Laura finally accepted the Lord. It has been a long hard journey so far for them after the accident and many ups and downs, but the other day they asked to meet with us and I believe they had set their mind on getting saved before we got there. PTL!

Thank you for Praying

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