Spiritual growth

Pray for spiritual growth in the lives of Edgar & Pilar as they have been away from the Lord for quite some time.


Pray for Pedro & Maria as they struggle with the concept of salvation by grace because of the influence of a pentecostal church they attended.


We officially started services in January to coincide with the morning services of the english congregation in order to utilize the children's ministry during the preaching time. Even though this schedule will not allow some folks to attend because of work schedules, there is no time that we can set where everyone can make it. We will have to set another service time during the week in hopes of getting others to attend.

Bible studies

We are working on establishing weekly home bible studies as we are able to help couples/families come to know the Lord and grow in their Christian walk. Pray that God would open the doors.


This spring the church is going to start on the renovation of the top of the School building. There will be an area that the Spanish ministry will be able to use for our services. Pray for the contractors, engineers and so on to get everything done in a timely manner.

Thank you for Praying

© 2007