Shawn's voice

This year Shawn has had a terrible time with his voice and finally went to the Doctor and he felt that he needed rest and an allergy medication to see if it would help. After a few weeks off, and taking the prescribed allergy medication, his voice is slowly recovering.

Baptism Candidates

We have several baptism candidates and would ask you to pray that God would keep their hearts set on taking this step of obedience. We are planning a baptismal service in April Lord willing.

Penny's Mom

Continue to pray for Mary Jo, she is no longer responding much, she eats 20% of what is given to her. She is giving up and Hospice is scheduled to come in and evaluate her.

Gabino's Salvation

On Easter Sunday Olga's husband Gabino got saved. He had come the week before on Palm Sunday and got under conviction and told his wife after the service that he wanted to go forward. Then on Easter I took time with him after the service and he said I just want to know that I am right with God. PTL!

Thank you for Praying

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