Joel & Tina

Pray for Joel & Tina Villalobos, they came to church Sunday morning and both made professions of salvation. They both are Hispanic but he speaks little English and she speaks little Spanish so I witnessed to them bilingually. She is also pregnant and about to deliver, so pray for a healthy delivery and baby.

Lost two families

We have lost two families from our English congregation, our Assistant and his family are feel the leading of the Lord to go back to NC where he will be finishing up his master's degree from Tyndale. Also we are losing another family that came out here from Minnesota, they feel the Lord is leading them back to southern MN for work and family. It is hard to live out here and folks tend to move back East.

Jacinto & Edilson

Pray for the salvation of two Guatemalan boys whose names are Jacinto & Edilson.


The couple that was helping us from Spanish Fork has decided to move back to South Carolina, pray for them as they follow the Lord's leading and for us as we will have to take on the added responsibilities that they took on.

Fall & Winter

Pray for us as we plan several fall and winter outreach activities that God would use them to bring new people in and new families would come to know the Lord.

Thank you for Praying

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