Economic woes

The economy here on the eastern side of the Wasatch mountains continues to decline. We are experiencing layoffs and business closures. Pray for job creation here that is disconnected to coal. Many Hispanics are having to live several hours away from home all week and they are not able to make services.

Families battling sin

Pray for a couple of families that needs God's power to overcome sin in their lives and get victory.


This years VBS was a real success and a blessing this year. We had both English and Spanish kids present and one Guatemalan girl got saved. Penny has been working with her in S.S. for a while now and it was a real blessing to see her come to know the Lord. Pray for all the kids that came to VBS that were not saved.

Shawn's Mom

Shawn's mom continues to struggle physically and mentally. She has had a setback having fallen down and bruising her pelvis. Pray for her and Duayne as they cope with this difficult time in their lives.

Building saga

I met with the businessman and we were not able to come to an arrangement to swap the buildings but he said he would lower the price of his building by $100,000 and asked us to sell ours. We have listed our building for $280,000, but realistically with the economy the way it is here in Price, it will sell only if the Lord intervenes. Keep praying for God's specific leading in our space needs.

Thank you for Praying

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