
Pray as we prepare for our first ever Hispanic Leadership Conference held at Camp UTIBACA this August.

Workers needed

Our Independent Baptist Camp in Utah is in need of counselors and kitchen staff for this summer's camps. Please contact the camp director Caleb Schaaf at: We are actively recruiting right now! You can get more information about the camp at:

Pastor in Price

The church in Price, UT is still needing a pastor, pray the Lord would bring someone soon.

Online Seminary

Big changes are coming to our online seminary that need to be accomplished by the end of summer. It will be hosted by a different company and the format will be upgraded to make it more accessible and fluid for both teachers and students.


Pray for José, a man the Lord has put us in contact with. He seems to be receptive to my witness, pray that he opens his heart to the Lord. Pray for several Hispanic children that we are working with that God would move their hearts to accept Him as their Savior.

Specific requests

Pray for the Lord to bring a buyer for the house in Oklahoma.
Pray for our housing situation in Utah
Pray for the location of our next church plant
Pray for more support


Now that our work here in Oklahoma is done, we are planning on taking steps to move back to Utah. The Lord has provided us with a fifth wheel and a truck to pull it to give us housing as we will be in Utah for three months over the summer. Then we plan on being back here in OK for the fall then permanent plans to get moved after the first of the year.

Thank you for Praying

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