Sister church

We have had the privilege of filling in for a sister church in Ferron, UT. The pastor & his wife are in England on a much needed vacation. Pray for First Baptist Church of Ferron, UT that God would continue to bless them and give them unity and growth.

Update on Shawn's voice

Having taken several measures to relieve the stress on his voice, it has gotten better. Still, there is a lot of progress to be made. The durability of his voice is still very low and gets hoarse very quickly. Pray for continued healing.

Service in the Park

We had our first "Service in the Park" Sunday on June 21st. It was a trial to see how it would work out. We are planning to have three of these each summer with the goal in mind to bring unchurched people to a non-church environment. Pray that God would use these outreach opportunities to reach both English and Spanish speaking people.

Trip to MN

We are headed to MN on the 29th of June to meet my parents and siblings in Rochester to celebrate my dad's 80th birthday, and my parents 60th anniversary that they will celebrate in Feb. of 2016. Then we are headed to Hibbing to preach a week of Jr. Camp. So we will need your prayers as we travel and for God to use us in the lives of the campers.

VBS week

June 8th starts our VBS week. We have been inviting and advertising. Pray God would bring us the children and families that we can minister to and bring into both English and Spanish congregations.

Couple from Guatemala

Our couple from Guatemala, Alejandro & Elida are moving to ST. George for work. We will miss them and pray that God would continue to use them there. We are contemplating the possibility of starting a Bible study there once a month if they are able to get a group together. Pray for God's will in this regard.

Thank you for Praying

© 2007