This fall we are needing more volunteers to teach classes in the online seminary. I will be taking on a few more classes than usual but there is still a great need for Spanish speaking teachers.

New Tracts

We have ordered new tracts and are praying that God will use them as we give them out.

Medical Translation

The opportunity for medical translation at the hospital is a good one but it has been put on hold as the class for medical translation certification is full and Shawn will have to wait for the next available class.

Shawn's knee

Shawn is still experiencing a lot of knee pain in his left knee. We have yet not been able to afford him to get an MRI to find out what the problem is and what the solution will be. Pray that God would provide for that as well.

Sports camp outreach

Pray for continued results from the Sports camp outreach.

Construction Progress

Pray for speedy contract work for the addition to the building since we are needing more space and more S.S. rooms.


We had the privilege to have my son Aaron and family visit us at the end of May then we were able to fly out to Wisconsin to be with Amanda and her family for a week at the beginning of June. Then all of Shawn's siblings came for a visit here with us in southern Utah at the end of June. Whew!


We find ourselves with ever aging computer equipment that is no longer viable for website maintenance and other ministry activities. If you would like to donate to this need, send the donation to the mission board and designate it as computer upgrades. We are anticipating buying new used at a cost of $2500.

Thank you for Praying

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