Summer Activities

Pray for our varied summer activities including, training a couple for Spanish ministry, seek a permanent base, do Spanish family camp, and fill pulpit in mission churches.

Pastor in Ferron

Pray for a permanent pastor in Ferron, Utah. We are no longer speaking here, and will be moving out in August.


Pray for us as we seek sources for support as we continue this ministry here in Utah.


We are asking prayer for Amanda & Ben as they consider options of a business start up.

Death in the family

Edwin Meyer, Penny's Uncle, twin to her dad, passed away recently. We had to make an emergency trip to the memorial service in Wells, MN. Pray for the family.


Here are some communities we are praying over for Spanish ministry plants. St. George, Vernal, Salina/Gunnison, Richfield. Pray God would open the doors for ministries in these places.


Since we got back from Oklahoma after taking care of Shawn's dad, the housing market in Utah has gone nuts! Everything is double it was when we left. Please pray God would provide us housing.

Thank you for Praying

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