Luis & Elizabeth

Luis and Elizabeth Cortez who were working with us here and left to go to North Carolina are back. Pray for them as they need serious changes to happen in their lives to be used of God.


We had one family move away because of a lost job. Edgar has also recently lost his job and we are praying he will find employment here in St. George.

Pray for the teens

We have a few teens that have not made a public decision for salvation. Pray that the Spirit would bring about the conviction needed to be saved.


Pray for our Hispanic family camp that is coming up in the second week of August. We are expecting over 100 participants this year. Pray for decision for salvation and dedication as the need to reach the Hispanics in the state of Utah grows. Our speaker is a pastor from Tijuana and a youth pastor from Westside Baptist Church in St. George.


We had a fire close to our house a few days after we got back from our furlough trip. We were evacuated but were able to go back after several hours. The Lord spared the houses of Central by shifting the wind in the opposite direction it was heading. We thought for sure our house would be gone.

New Contacts

Please be in prayer as we seek out new contacts and outreach opportunities.

In our Absence

Thankfully God used Ben, Ricardo, and Aaron to keep the services going in our absence. They did a good job with the little training they have.


Grateful that our furlough went so well and without incident. All of our churches were a blessing to us. We were also grateful for the the generosity of the offerings that allowed us to stay in the black during our trip and help pay off the vehicle.


Rosalva just went through a difficult divorce from an unsaved husband who has had two other women. She is newly saved and is struggling spiritually. Pray for spiritual and mental healing.

Thank you for Praying

© 2007