
We are planning a mini-furlough in June, pray that God would provide for that and we would be able to schedule churches in a concise way so that we are not gone to long from the ministry here.

New Auditorium

We are grateful for the new auditorium that we have to use for our Spanish Services. Pray that God would use us to fill it with those that He allows us to win to Christ.

New Semester

Mid January we started the new semester at SEBEL. The students are hungry for training and using it in their ministries in their respective countries. Pray for continued financing for this vital ministry.

New Partners

We are thankful for two new support partners, Grace Baptist Church in Farmington, NM & Westside Baptist Church in St. George, UT. We also have an opportunity to present our work in a church in Beaver, UT with possibility of support. Pray God would work that out as well.

Edgar & Pillars kids

Edgar & Pillar are also recently saved and their teenage children have not been receptive to their new faith. Pray for their salvation.


Rosalva was recently saved and is growing but she has to return to Mexico to deal with a husband that has been cheating on her for years. Pray for her as she makes life altering decisions. We have given her biblical counseling and pray she has the fortitude to do what is right. She intends to return to the U.S. with a work visa and save up money for whatever comes next.

Medical Interpreter

For a while now God had laid it on my heart to help Hispanics when they are facing medical needs and cannot get access because of the language barrier. I found out that one has to be certified to interpret in any facility that receives federal funds. So I took the bilingualism test and qualified for the training classes. It took six weeks. I traveled 5 hours north every Thursday to be in class all day Friday and then drive all the way back 5 hours home. I finally finished those classes and am now allowed to interpret in a medical setting. Pray as we seek to use this to minister to Hispanic families and win them to the Lord.

Thank you for Praying

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