Chuy came to men's meeting

What a surprise when Chuy showed up to our monthly men’s meeting. He was greeted warmly by the other men and he mad a connection with Craig, our other truck driver. I believe Chuy is searching, his daughter Gaby was saved last week and his wife is getting close. Pray for their salvation soon!

Voice problems

I have been struggling for years with the longevity of my voice. Lately the cold I experienced took my voice out for two weeks. Pray that I can find a solution to help with this problem as I have so many speaking engagements, some of which I am canceling due to the problem.

Great turn out

We had over forty attend our sweetheart banquet. Three Hispanic couples came and we had a wonderful time. I was not able to preach my bilingual message due to a bad cold and a hoarse voice but that did not dampen the spirit of the evening.

Two pre-teens saved

We are so excited that two young ladies accepted the Lord on the last Sunday of February. Shaylee from our English congregation and Gaby from our Spanish. Penny had the privilege to lead both of them to Christ. Pray for Gaby’s parents, they still have not been saved.

Justin & Dana Payton

I have them on my prayer list to pray for this month for our men’s challenge to pray for one family each day for a month. Pray God would help him as he works and does his post grad work and fulfills responsibilities here in the church. Pray for their three girls, Cherish, Chaya & Caeli. They also have been very sick the past few months. Pray for their safety each week as they travel over the mountain to be in our services.


The church has been hit with a lot of sickness in the past few weeks, pray for a stay in the spread of this virus.

Sweetheart Banquet

Please pray for our SweetHeart banquet this Friday the 13th. We are doing a bi-lingual banquet and have over 40 people committed to come. This is the first time that we have been able to get Hispanic couples committed to come. Pray that the activity and the Word would have an impact on the couples.

Thank you for Praying

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