I am an Executive Board Member of Northwest Baptist Missions. Our prayer is for the Lord to send more laborers into his harvest. Will you pray with us?


We had really good groups for both mother's and father's days this year. Typically we have few fathers due to the fact that many of them go out camping for the weekend. We were grateful that we had a extraordinary group this year.


We are trying to be the best stewards of the resources that God has given us. Time, money, energy etc. Looking to the future as we pass the 60 year mark, we see the need to get more support or a way to get hours in so that we can draw on Social Security later. Pray God would guide us, it is not like we are not already busy!

Summer Activities

VBS went well, we have special events all throughout the summer including informal fellowships/Picnics to invite unsaved friends and family to, and ending up with two Hispanic family camps, one here in Utah and the other in Iowa.

Pray for Help

We are training men in our Orem ministry so that they can take over when we are gone. In Price, none of the men are interested in training right now. Our English ministry needs a pastor that it solely dedicated to them.

Prayer for Salvation

Pray for the salvation of two new couples: Santiago & Vicky, Maximino & Laurea and the mormon wife of José, Cathy.

Thank you for Praying

© 2007