Building update

We continue to pray for God to work in the heart of the businessman that owns the building we would like to have. We have proposed a swap, but he would lose value in the deal but would be in a better location for a retail business. Pray God would provide him the means and the heart to make this exchange. And pray for his salvation, his name is Tony Basso. If the Lord were to work this out and he was to get saved, this town would never be the same as he owns about half of it! Imagine the possibilities, our God is Great!

Good attendance

We praise God for the good attendance we have had in both English and Spanish congregations.

Teenager saved

Sunday we led a teenager to the Lord that comes from a couple that Penny and I won to the Lord 5 years ago. They just started coming back to church and their oldest son Miguel indicated he wanted to be saved and accepted the Lord. Pray for another teenager that saw him make that decision and is now under conviction about his salvation also.

About the same

Shawn's mom is about the same, she is in nursing home care, cannot talk much, and is just holding on. Pray for strength for the family especially Shawn's dad, Duayne.

Thank you for Praying

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