The Future

We continue to pray and ask God to help us plan for the future of our ministry and how we will be able to end and retire someday. We do not have S.S. and this has been a problem for us and since we have been under supported for over a decade, we have not been able to save much, we find ourselves continually downsizing and yet still cannot get ahead. God knows, but we will have to make some decisions soon since Penny has reached the critical age of 60.


Our economy here on the Eastern side of the mountains has picked up finally after all these years of decline. Everybody is hiring and the houses have all sold. This is good since it is bringing in more Hispanics back into the area.

Easter Bilingual Service

Our Easter Bilingual service was well attended with a few English visitors. Pray for their salvation.

Unsaved Visitors

We have had a few visitors to our Hispanic services and are in the process of visiting them and encouraging them in their discovery of truth. Pray for their salvation.

Ways to get away

We currently are unable to get a break from our ministries due to the bilingual and multifaceted characteristics of them. We are praying that God will bring us the help needed in order to take a break, we are pushing ourselves over the limit.

Thank you for Praying

© 2007