Dr Visits

Penny has had to have some long over due work done on her teeth and I have seen an audiologist and found out that I have lost a lot of hearing as Penny has been telling me for a couple of years. PTL someone donated $2,000 so that I could get a good set of hearing aids. I am amazed at what I was not hearing, and some that I wish I still could not hear!


We are wrapping up our second 8 week session at the Online Seminary. The change of platforms has caused a bit of disruption in communication with the students, but we are working on fixing that. Pray for the funds we need to continue this vital ministry.

Ben & Amanda with Covid

Both Ben and Amanda came down with Covid but praise the Lord they came out of it after a couple of weeks. Ben was sick for a solid two weeks and Amanda for a few days. We are planning to go up to visit them over the Christmas holiday and help out as they both are exhausted and he has not yet been back to work. We are grateful for their church helping them during this time.

Former neighbors

We visited our former neighbors and were able to briefly talk to them and found out that the husband Don had just been told he had a few weeks to live. While we were there a mormon crew came and we left hoping to get to see them in a day or so. But before we were able to get back to see them Don passed away. These older folks are Mormon but have always responded well to our testimony. Pray for his wife and as we go to minister to her.

Christmas Program

On December 5th we had did a Christmas program and invited one of our friends and co-laborers here in Utah and their family to come and help out. They are the Murphree family from Salina, Utah about one hour away. They are an extremely talented family and they provided a narrative of the Christmas story with music, song and narration. We took the opportunity to invite neighbors and friends to have them hear the real Christmas story.

Settling In

We are excited to be back in Utah but the reality of living here hits home real fast. In Oklahoma we were surrounded by Baptists, here we are surrounded by Mormons. Yet it helps keep us on our toes as we know we are being watched carefully and it gives us great opportunity to be a bold witness for our Lord.

Thank you for Praying

© 2007