Shawn's dad

Duayne has been in ICU for a week now in Oklahoma City an hour and a half away from us. We went the other day to take him his phone and other things. We are not allowed into the hospital to see him which has been hard on us and him. A few days ago he was giving up on life, but today he is more upbeat. He had two things happen. First he was in a lot of pain last Friday and had to be admitted to emergency here in Elk City. It was not long after the CT scan that they life flighted him to OKC hospital with an aneurysm in his abdominal area that was close to bursting. But later they found that the pain he had experienced was a hematoma that burst on his kidneys. So all this week he has been monitored in ICU to keep his blood pressure down and allow his kidneys to return to normal function. Today they intend to do another CT Scan in order to know how to deal with the aneurysm in his abdominal cavity. We are praying that they will be able to do a stent. Duayne has stated he will not undergo major surgery, so we are praying the stent option will be available. If not, they will send him home on hospice. We are praying that with the stent he will be able to recover and regain his strength. Please continue to pray!

Thank you for Praying

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