The Church Voted

I am excited to share with you that last night our little church has voted unanimously to trust the Lord and step out in faith and go ahead with the sale of our building and purchase of the new building.  It has not come without sacrifice as our people, both English & Spanish congregations, have been giving generously and saving over the past 8 years in anticipation of the Lord providing for us a larger building.  Even with the money we have saved, we are 18k dollars short, but the owner of the new building has decided to carry this amount interest free for 2 years. We also received a verbal agreement by him that if his businesses fare well this year or next, he may be able to write this amount off on his taxes. We will certainly be praying toward this end as we continue to save and raise money to pay off this amount.  This will be a big change for us, moving from a nice small, comfortable and nicely finished building, to a rustic one that will need a lot of work to make it usable for church services and activities.  Our people are motivated and understand that the sacrifices we make today, will provide opportunities for growth and longevity of the ministries here in Price tomorrow. Thank you for your continued prayers in this matter as we submit our offer and pray that God will work through the details of the sale and purchase.

Thank you for Praying

© 2007